Useful Links
Redpaths Beegoods

Swarm Collection
Need a swarm collected

DPI Victoria
Bee information including registration

Southside beekeeping Club
Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month

The Doncaster Beekeeping Club
Meets 3rd Thursday of every month

Geelong Beekeeping Club
Meets 3rd Friday of each month.For further information contact

VAA Melbourne
Melbourne Beekeeping section

Collingwood Children Farm
Melbourne Section Apiary

Honeybee organisation
Honeybee organisation

Beekeeping as a hobby
Hobby Beekeeping

Building and wiring frames – You Tube
Good tips here

Bees and Swarming

Bee information

Bees and Pollination

Crops pollinated by bees

Wax moth
DPI advice on wax moth

Hive beetle management NSQ
NSW hive beetle management

Crops pollinated by bees

Small hive beetle
Small hive beetle